Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Here Comes The Twins!!

Having the twins is the next best thing that ever happened to me, beaten only by having my hb. The twins were born 4 mins apart; after the membrane broke spontaneously which was followed by 2 hours labour. The pregnancy has been threaten by pre term labour as early as 26 weeks where by the cervix was dilated followed by the bulging of the membrane. An emergency cerclarge was carried out and I was put on hospital rest for 3 weeks +. Steroid was also administered to me to help the babies lungs to matured. The twins finally decided that they have waited long enough and came to this world at 29 weeks, 8 weeks prematured.

The labour was a short one, only 2 hours + compared to those horror stories I heard ofl 20 + hours of labour. Till now, I still couldn't believe that I delivered my babies via natural delivery and without epidural.

The twins were placed on my lap upon birth and all I could think of was how tiny they are. I was afrad and worried seeing the their tiny sizes, a far cry from the 2kg + full termed babies. The elder twin (Anthea) was 1.25kg and Charmaine was a mere 1.09kg. The nurses at the maternity ward assured me that babies born above 1kg are considered very good.

My babies were sent to the Special Care Nursery (SCN) upon birth and I only get to see them several hours later. Hb assured me that teh babies are well and crying. I couldn't sleep a wink that night thinking about my babies. I waited till the early hours of the day and started to sms my brother, sisters and friends, informing them about the birth of my babies. I just had to share my joy with someone. Hb on the other hand, has gone home for some much needed rest, as well as to announce the news to the family.

I was not tired despite having given birth just several hours earlier, However, my legs felt numb; as though they do not belong to me. The stitches also started to give me pain now that the pain killer has started to wear off. I almost fainted when I stood up in the bathroom trying to clean myself. Giving birth has caused much blood loss and caused my body to be weak although I did not feel the effect until I almost fainted from lack of blood. Fainting after childbirth is something nobody has told me before and I will make a mental note on this in my subsequent pregnancy and delivery.

Hb wheeled me to the SCN to visit out babies after being given the green light by the nurses at the maternity ward following the fainting episode. Babies were fine although their frail bodies were all connected to tubes and Anthea was on respiration support. Apart from looking at them, there was nothing else I could do. I miss my babies a lot upon leaving the SCN but unfortunately, no photos taking is allowed.

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